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Hi there, I’m Eduard Bargués - aka LuckyEdu 👋

I share my experiences, projects and thoughts in this website. Hope you like it 😄.

I spend my time at


I was lucky enough to find Migracode and merge my programming passion with my will to help others. Helping refugees and people in difficult situations to become (junior) full-stack developers.

  • 📖 Hard skills: Instructor of Git, Html, css, javascript, React, Node.js (co-authored the content), PostgreSql, Heroku.
  • 💁‍♂️ Professional skills: Instructor of Soft skills, Employability (co-authored the content) and Working in projects.


Currently, I’m working as a Platform-Lead at Ohpen where I keep pushing my AWS+Serverless knowledge every day. Designing and implementing (serverless) systems for our developers. From CI/CD to deployment and monitoring solutions. Mainly using AWS, Serverless, Terraform, Github, .Net, Node.js and Python.